Relieving Pent-up Stress in the Time of Coronavirus


It’s been more than a year since the coronavirus pandemic forced everyone indoors indefinitely. Some countries were more apt in their response to the global health crisis, which means they’re slowly starting to return to some semblance of normalcy; the United States being one of them.

Day by day, more establishments have begun opening back up to the public. People are freely walking in the streets again, albeit with their face masks on, and still trying to maintain social distancing. The world is far from overcoming the health crisis, but there’s hope that it will be over soon. The slightest sliver of hope.

But despite the gradual reopening of cities and countries to the world, many businesses are still conducting their operations remotely. This could be because they discovered that they could function normally even without needing to provide office space, so they stuck with the current setup.

Working from home is becoming the norm for many employees who have worked in high buildings and uptight offices all their lives, so this change could have actually been a breath of fresh air. However, that could also mean that they’re blurring the lines between their home and workspaces in the process.

Although the adjustment to the new work setup could have been hard at first, surely it became easier over time. But with everything going on—political riots, the ongoing pandemic, and the responsibilities at home — even the toughest soldiers could break, especially if they have no healthy coping mechanisms. So, to help you relieve your pent-up stress and frustrations, here are three methods you can try doing:

Enroll in Meditation Classes

People who know how to meditate are more in touch with their spirituality because they have become more mindful of their existence and their place in this world. They follow the teachings involved with the practice to relieve their stress, connect to others better, improve their focus and concentration, or even how to be kinder to themselves.

If you’re currently struggling with restlessness and loss of purpose because of being stuck at home for too long, you could try meditating. The first step—getting started—is always the hardest, so you could reach out to professionals to help you begin your meditative journey.

There are plenty of resources available online if you looked hard enough. You could also register for on-demand tai chi classes or other practices if you prefer learning meditation with other people. At least this way, you can replicate the feeling of being in an actual class instead of figuring out the practice on your own.

Go out and Touch Some Grass

Laugh all you want, but going out to touch some grass can actually help you relieve your stress. That’s because you might have been cooped up inside your house for far too long and you need to feel the sunlight on your skin. Crack open a window and breathe in some fresh air, or even take a walk in the park.

Nature deprivation is a real thing. It might not be considered a mental disorder as of the moment because science has yet to back it up with relevant findings, but it’s happening often enough to be talked about. This is especially true in the digital age; and with the ongoing pandemic, people have no other choice but to depend on their devices for work, school, or entertainment.

There are actual dangers to too much exposure to screens, and it’s not limited to the physical repercussions. It’s believed that those who suffer from the nature-deficit disorder (NDD) are more prone to depression, anxiety, anti-social behaviors, and obesity, which is mainly due to the refusal to go out or participate in society. So, don’t be afraid to touch some grass from time to time.

Meet Your Friends

For a long time, most people were forbidden from being out and about unless they absolutely had to. Those few instances were limited to grocery and drugstore runs, trips to the hospital, or other important matters. Anything that involved entertainment, leisure time, or luxuries was thrown out of the picture.

But it’s been more than a year since the back-to-back lockdowns. People are no longer forbidden from walking around to meet their friends and families as long as they’re following the proper health protocols. And this means that there’s no good reason for you to isolate yourself from society.

So go out and meet your friends. Catch up just like in the good old days and allow yourself to laugh out loud because you know you need it. But if you’re still not vaccinated and you’re scared to go out, you could always plan virtual dates with your friends. Just don’t let this pandemic turn you into a recluse.

This global pandemic has turned the world upside down for everyone. Dreams were halted, lives were taken, and daily routines were disrupted. But you can’t let your circumstances overwhelm you. Instead of wallowing in despair about what you’ve lost, try to look at what you still have because the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

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