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Hunting: A Valuable Experience for Your Kids


Hunting season is off to a good start in Michigan, and the state gears up for a deluge of hunters in November. This year has taught everyone about scarcity, making it a great time to teach your kids about hunting. Hunting comes with a lot of benefits, including new experiences and skills.

Not All Fun and Games

Taking your kids hunting is no easy task. You’ll need to prepare their gear; you’ll give them an idea of how to act in the woods and what to expect. Hunting teaches your kids the value of patience, preparation, and hard work. Snowplow parents and trophies for everyone have raised entitled kids who wish to get what they want with little to no effort. A few trips to the woods can cancel all that. Hunting is work. If you don’t make an effort, you’ll go home empty-handed. Handling a rifle or a bow also requires a lot of discipline. It’ll take more than a lesson or two to instill gun safety in your kids, but they must learn it. The lessons and practices your kids learn in the woods will translate to a clearer view of the world and a better work ethic as they grow up. They’ll have a bigger chance of succeeding in life, simply because they know the value of hard work.

Environmentalism and Conservatism

Heading to the woods is also an excellent time to teach your kids about the environment and conservatism. Hunters get a bad rap when it comes to the environment — but hunters do more for the environment than every environmentalist group in the US. Fishing and hunting stores around the US account for 75 percent of the annual budget of most states’ wildlife agencies. In 2019, hunting and fishing garnered more than $1 billion for wildlife and conservation programs. Teach your kids that hunting is also good for the herd. Wildlife experts see a rise in chronic wasting disease (CWD) as deer herds grow unchecked due to a decrease in the number of hunters. Without hunters, deer populations can be devastated — or outright eliminated — by CWD.

Remember that They’re Still Kids

girl child

Of course, don’t forget that you’re dealing with kids. Bring a few snacks, keep the schedule short, and be a bit more careful. Gear up with equipment specifically made for kids, even if they might outgrow it in a few years. Just wearing the clothes will give your kids a morale boost, so gear them up like an actual hunter. Don’t schedule 6-hour trips to the woods on their first forays. Instead, go for quick trips that would give them a feel for the woods even if it ends up uneventful. Hunting also gives you a chance to bond with your kids, so don’t spare your compliments or encouraging words on the hunt.

Hunting is one of the most significant activities you can do with your kids. It teaches valuable life lessons that would ensure that they grow up to be productive and sound individuals when they grow up.

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