Promoting Teamwork with Remote Team-Building Exercises


Workplaces in Australia and all over the world are facing countless challenges because of the ongoing pandemic. One of the most prevalent of these challenges is keeping employees engaged. Although the country has been gradually reopening, plenty of workers—46 percent, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics—are still working remotely and dealing with the uncertainties that come with the ongoing pandemic. These situations make it difficult to concentrate and be engaged at work.

As a leader, you have an opportunity to successfully gather your team, promote camaraderie, and keep them engaged all at the same time with the help of team-building exercises. But because outdoor activities typically for team building might not be available, and the fact that it isn’t exactly safe to meet with people right now, virtual team buildings are the way to go. Don’t have any idea what to do? We have suggestions below.

1. 30-Day Challenges

A 30-day challenge is usually a health and wellness-related challenge that people must participate in for 30 days straight. It is a great team-building activity since your employees can connect over their experiences. What’s more, working from home can limit people’s chances for moving about. Through various 30-day challenges, which you can incentivise with prizes like custom-printed shirts for work or an extra day of paid vacation, you can encourage them to prioritise their wellness.

2. Virtual Mindfulness Sessions

Employees’ thoughts and emotions may be all over the place right now, which can result in being further disengaged from work. Give them the space to reset their mindset and be ready to work with mindfulness sessions. Connect through a video conference every morning and have someone lead a guided meditation. You can decide how long these sessions last, but the main goal is to help your team find time to relax and clear their mind.

3. Cribs Home Office Version


MTV Australia revived the network’s famous show Cribs in 2018. Here, viewers get to see their favourite celebrities’ “crib” or their home. You can launch a similar project within your team so you can get a glimpse into how they’re doing at home. But instead of a whole house tour, they can do shorter versions where they walk you through their workspace.

4. Team Thirsty Thursdays

Few things bond people well than having drinks together. So, why not build camaraderie and engage your team with a weekly happy hour? Every Thursday, after work, have everyone meet via video conference bringing their drink of choice. You can lead a meaningful discussion, go laidback, and talk about anything or play fun drinking games. That gives your team a chance to wind down in a pressure-free space.

5. Host Virtual Games

Who said charades, Pictionary, and board games could only be played face-to-face? You can do all of these online, either through video calls and online chats or applications for games. There are plenty of classic game options, from Cards Against Humanity and Uno to ones that promote teamwork like the very timely pandemic.

These are only a few activities that help build company culture, promote camaraderie, and encourage active participation among employees. Find out which ones work best for and strengthen your team.

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