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Overweight child wearing a tight button down shirt with a stethoscope on his stomach

How to Reduce the Risk of Obesity in Children

Obesity is one of the most pressing public health issues in many developed countries today. For example, in the United States, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled in adults and tripled in children over the past three decades (Ogden et al., 2016). This increase in obesity rates has been accompanied by a dramatic

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oral health

The Importance of Oral Health: Why Caring for Your Mouth is Important

Did you know that oral health is important for your general health? It’s true! Unsatisfactory oral health can lead to a number of other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, people should care for their oral health more. Why Do People Neglect Their Oral Health? A lot of people do not realize

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group of people eating

Your Digestive System: Ways to Support Gut Health

Did you know that your digestive system is responsible for more than digesting food? It’s responsible for everything from regulating your mood to keeping your skin healthy. That’s why it’s a vital part of your overall health and well-being. So how can you keep your digestive system healthy? Here are four ways to support your

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Alternative Therapies to Support Chronic Disease Treatment

More and more, traditional medicine recognizes the benefits of alternative therapies in support of treatments for chronic diseases. These therapies can be used to supplement conventional treatments or as standalone approaches, depending on the needs of each patient. Alternative therapies come in many forms, including but not limited to acupuncture, aromatherapy, and meditation. Each has its

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profession, people, health care, reanimation and medicine concept - group of medics or doctors carrying woman patient on hospital gurney to emergency

How to Prevent Healthcare Emergencies: Tips Worth Following

Healthcare emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. That’s why it’s important to be prepared and know how to prevent them from happening in the first place. The best way to prevent healthcare emergencies is to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself. What Are Healthcare Emergencies? Healthcare emergencies can

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12 Tips to Improve Your Smile

Everybody knows that a smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Unfortunately, teeth are one of the hardest features to fake, so it’s important to make sure you’ve got your dental health under control before trying to put your best foot forward. Here are our 12 tips for improving your smile

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15 Tips for Taking Care of a Parent with Dementia at Home

If you’re the primary caregiver for someone who has been diagnosed with dementia, it is important to be aware of your loved one’s needs and how they might change over time. It can also help to know what particular things your loved one may need from you during this difficult time. The following are 15

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tooth cyst

Tooth Cyst: Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatment

A tooth cyst is a sac-like structure that can form on or around a tooth. It is usually caused by an infection in the pulp of the tooth. The cyst can cause pain and swelling and may eventually lead to the loss of the tooth. There are several types of tooth cysts, each with its

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Tips for Maintaining Eye Health

Maintaining your eye health is important for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is that if you don’t take care of your eyes, you could eventually lose your vision. Another reason is that many eye diseases can be treated if they are caught early. If you take care of your eyes now, you’ll

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a person being counselled

You Need a Mental Health Day: Here are 6 Reasons Why

Did you know that burnout is a very real thing and can affect anyone in any profession? Burnout occurs when you’ve been working too hard for too long, and your body and mind have had enough. If you’re starting to experience some signs below, it might be time for you to take a break: 1. You’re

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