Weddings and Things: Stuff to Consider When Planning Your Dream Wedding


We’re all stuck in quarantine right now. With so much more free time on your hands, maybe it’s time to finally get around to all those things you didn’t have time for before. Without the hassle of commuting getting in the way anymore, maybe now is the time to finally start thinking about your wedding plans with your fiancee. After all, what better time to make plans than when you have nothing else to do at home but talk?

Wedding plans can be tricky to plan around. All guests are different, and it can take some time to wrap your head around plans that work for everyone. But considering everything that’s been going on in the world, maybe taking the time to consider your options more carefully is in order. Here are a couple of things to think about if you want to get married in the era of Covid.

Be Open to Other Ring Options

Consider your finances and your fiancee’s preferences. Most people would want traditional diamond wedding rings from somewhere nice, like Kravit Jewelers. They’re stylish, timeless, and look great with pretty much anything (don’t pick a design that’s too gaudy.) But a ring doesn’t always have to be set with a diamond. Consider what your partner’s favorite colors are or if they even like precious stones at all. Don’t close your mind to alternative wedding ring options.

Maybe your partner would prefer something more unusual than a precious stone. You can buy wedding rings in various materials ranging from exotic combinations of metals or sportier options like silicone. Open your mind to all the options out there and think about what your partner is like thoroughly, and there’s no way you could pick a ring design they won’t love.

Consider Your Guests

A wedding at the base of the mountain you and your partner first climbed together, or your favorite beach might seem like a good idea until you consider your guest list. If your list is exclusively your equally adventurous friends who have no problem traveling to a destination wedding, then it should be fine. But if you’re planning a wedding in a place that requires you to climb a hundred steps to the reception with no plans for your wheelchair-bound grandma in mind, you can bet that they’re not going to be as enthused about it as you are.

If you’re going for a small, intimate service with just a few guests, you can afford to spend more on them individually. But if you’re going for a large wedding with a massive guest list, you’ll have to keep your adjustments as general as possible to save money for other parts of your wedding.

Budget Weddings Can Be Nice Too

For those who love to travel and find that funds are limited, consider going for a budget-friendly (but still tasteful) wedding. Your wedding should be about celebrating love, not showing off your money to your guests. By sticking to a budget, you can set aside more funds to have a memorable honeymoon. Remember, your wedding is meant to be your day with your spouse, and the guests are there to share the moment with you.

You don’t need to book a super grand venue to have a nice wedding. Tasteful decoration can really elevate even simple spaces and make the location look way better, even at a lower price point. After all, money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy taste. An understated, elegant wedding at a cheaper venue is still leagues ahead of a gaudy, tasteless service at an expensive venue. Put as much thought as you can into the decoration and make it meaningful to you and your spouse, and you’re guaranteed to have a great wedding for you and your wallet.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

wedding souvenir

Planning something as complicated as a wedding can get stressful. With so many people and services to look for, book, and coordinate, it can get really messy. Sometimes you won’t be able to find the EXACT thing you want for your wedding. If that’s the case, don’t stress yourself out over it. Just try your best to take it in stride, find a nice alternative, and don’t let the small things ruin your plans. As Bear Gryll’s would say: “Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, either. You and your spouse don’t need to plan everything on your own. Ask your friends for their opinions or have your parents chime in if you’re having trouble making decisions. You never know. They might even be able to refer you to better or cheaper alternatives to the options you’re already looking at.

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