Work from Home: Boosting Well-being and Staying Productive


Switching from an office setup to working at home can be a challenge for many. This can cause an imbalance in a person’s personal life and professional duties. But regardless of your situation, taking care of yourself shouldn’t be neglected. Your overall wellbeing is the key you need to be more productive, less stressed, and more engaged.

If you’re currently having difficulty finding a balance between work and personal life, these wellness and productivity tips might help you out.

1. Set up a designated workspace.

A quiet space where you are away from distractions is always worth setting up, especially if you’re looking to get some work done. Working in your living room can be too distractive. Whether you have a vacant room in your house or just a little space in your bedroom, it’s recommended to designate an area for work. Get everything you need in one specific space.

It’s better to get a comfortable and adjustable chair and desk so you can write or type in the best position. If you don’t want to ruin your posture, make sure to sit in a real chair. Make sure you also use proper lighting for better productivity and focus. For instance, in a desk area, it’s recommended that lighting levels are between 300 to 500 lux.

2. Organize your workload.

To better manage productivity and wellbeing, take time to organize your workload. Creating a vision board helps you understand your why and focusing on what matters most. Don’t forget to create a to-do list that includes all your tasks, priorities, deadlines, or timeless.

You can use a productivity app or project management platform to make the process faster for you. Doing so will help you easily keep track of your tasks and deadlines, scheduled meetings, or even long-term objectives. It’s recommended to create your to-do list at least a night before.

3. Plan your breaks.

Working at home doesn’t mean that we always have to be available for anyone or anything. Take care of your mental health. Have regular screen and meal breaks to manage feelings of stress. You can give yourself five to ten minutes every hour and do something else. You can leave your home for a change of scenery. Ride your bike and go to your favorite coffee shop or go for a walk to get some fresh air. These simple activities can boost productivity and creativity.

Exercising and stretching are also highly recommended to keep your energy levels high and to stay in shape. In fact, experts linked prolonged sitting with elevated blood pressure, excess body fat and abnormal cholesterol levels. To keep your posture straighter, you can opt to sit on an exercise ball or use a stand-up desk for a change. There are also scoliosis exercises or stretches to try in case you’re also suffering from such a condition and want to improve your spine’s health. Whether you’re already healthy and fit or not yet, do not skip your daily exercise!

4. Eat real and healthy meals.

One of the problems for individuals working from home is that they tend to begin mindless eating. Snaking here and there. To avoid unhealthy temptations, readily stock your fridge with healthy alternatives like whole-food options filled with nutrients and protein. Also, make it a habit to eat regularly. Plan an hour break, leave your desk, and start mindful eating. Mindful eating is an approach that lets you focus on feelings and experiences around food, helping you feel better overall. Plus, this is also said to help reduce binge eating and promote weight loss. Do nothing else but eat and enjoy your meal!

group of women having fun

5. Maintain social connections.

Connecting with co-workers is also helpful to boost your overall well-being. We all need human interaction. Speak to your manager or colleagues about any concerns. Make an effort to connect and build relationships within and beyond work. For instance, during video conferences or online meetings, take time to ask your co-workers about their personal concerns and stories before jumping straight into work mode.

Creating relationships in which both you, your co-workers, or employees feel psychologically safe is essential for mental wellbeing. If you have feelings of isolation or loneliness, maintaining social connections can be very helpful for you. Or, if you think you’re already suffering from depression or a great amount of stress, it’s always better to seek the help of a therapist.

Working from can be totally rewarding if you find balance and do it right. By following all our tips here, you can make both your personal and professional life more productive. The best thing is, you are taking care of your health and improving your wellbeing at the same time. Stay healthy, efficient, and motivated while working remotely.

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