Time Management as a College Student: Achieving School-Life Balance


Balance is key to success. Whether you are a student, parent, worker, or an aspirant dreamer, managing your time well enables you to execute your plan and ultimately achieve your goals. In reality, we perform different roles as we walk in and out of the spheres we participate in. We have responsibilities at home, at work, and in the community. As we grow older and take on more roles, we will conflict with budgeting our time wisely.

This principle applies when you are a student. Despite being busy with school work, you cannot easily withdraw from your chores at home, commitment with friends, and commitment to yourself.  Doing so may cause misunderstanding among friends and strife in the family for not investing some of your time with parents and siblings.

Meanwhile, all play and no work makes Jack a dull boy. If you spend more time on your social and family life, a decline in academic performance may happen. If you work your way through college, the challenges may be greater as you are adept at performing your role at work and setting priorities in school and other areas in your life. Having trouble balancing your time? Here is an effective guide for you.

Manage your time well.

Time is a valuable resource that we took for granted. Before we knew it, another minute, hour or day has passed, and we are still left wondering how to finish our tasks. To prevent wasting time, you must find time-management practices that work for you. Plan your schedule by plotting it in a planner. Consider preparing a daily as well as weekly to-do-list. If you are much of a planner, you can also set mid-month and monthly goals that you want to look forward to. Experts advised you to determine your priorities and avoid overcrowding tasks in your to-do list. Be honest in assessing your ability to execute these plans and the time available so you can manage your expectations and make the necessary adjustments.

Be watchful of signs of too much stress.

When the pressure in school becomes too intense, you may experience stress overload and be overwhelmed with many negative feelings and physical symptoms later on.

Stress overload symptoms may include anxiety or panic attacks, irritability and moodiness, sleeping problems, and sadness. Stress may also have physical symptoms such as stomach problems, headaches, or chest pains.

Don’t let stress ruin your day. Make it a habit of exercising regularly. Relax your mind through meditation, receiving a massage, or sleeping early. Take vitamin supplements. Practice maintaining a positive outlook in life.

teacher teaching a class

Management your expectations; stop being a perfectionist.

We have our own limitations. We may want to do a lot of things but be aware of these goals are too unrealistic. Sometimes, perfectionism goes in the way of feeling satisfied with what we have achieved. Stop being a perfectionist. Doing so will also avoid negative emotions such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and guilt.

Instead, set achievable standards. Remember, you are not alone in this battle, and thus, you need help from friends and family. It would help if you also listened to constructive criticism.

Determine the conflicting demands of school, work, and family.

Be specific on the demands in these areas in life. Every day, we face many demands in these roles, but we can only focus on the most important ones. Be organized in setting your schedule. Learn to say no to invites that cannot be accommodated in your planner. You may also consider homeschooling and enrolling in online undergraduate degrees if your parents need you to look after important things at home or in your business.

Remember, you are human and with limitations. And thus, you need to know your limitations and learn to ask for help in difficult times.

Always prioritize your health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Health is wealth. Whatever they are, your goals will lose meaning if you cannot enjoy them in the future with an ailing body and mental health. Take time to establish boundaries and set limitations for yourself. Know when your body is exhausted. Maintain a routine that includes time to exercise and maintain good sleeping habits. Take some time out to enjoy your favorite movie or hang out with friends.

Life is short. We need to enjoy our precious time and make sure that we use it properly for whatever life purpose you want to achieve. Don’t hesitate to get help from a support system to assist you with your homework or chores at home. Also, take advantage of apps that will help you organize your schedule well.

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