

Tips for Maintaining Eye Health

Maintaining your eye health is important for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is that if you don’t take care of your eyes, you could eventually lose your vision. Another reason is that many eye diseases can be treated if they are caught early. If you take care of your eyes now, you’ll

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a person being counselled

You Need a Mental Health Day: Here are 6 Reasons Why

Did you know that burnout is a very real thing and can affect anyone in any profession? Burnout occurs when you’ve been working too hard for too long, and your body and mind have had enough. If you’re starting to experience some signs below, it might be time for you to take a break: 1. You’re

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confident woman

Make a New You with Self-improvement for the New Year

Another year is about to end, and it is a sign of new beginnings. This makes it a perfect time to do some self-improvement. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror every morning or you feel you could be better, then this new year is your chance. There are several things you

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middle aged women drinking milk

The Biggest Threats to Your Health and Well-being

The things that compromise people’s health and well-being come in all shapes and sizes. Some things are more common than others, while others seem to be rarer or less noticeable. The good news is that there are many things you can do to help improve your health and well-being, such as eating right, exercising, and

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elderly couple talking to a consultant

5 Safety Risks for Seniors and How to Prevent Them

One of the biggest fears for people as they age is becoming incapacitated. To become a victim of one’s own body is genuinely terrifying, but there are ways to prevent this from happening. While it is understandable that you can’t watch over your elderly parents or relatives, there’s a way for you to know if

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How Has the Pandemic Affected Your Skin?

It had been found that, prior to the pandemic, Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors. If they are not at home, they are toiling inside an office, having a meal at a restaurant, exercising at a gym, shopping in a grocery store, or watching a movie at a theater. In the past year,

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woman reading

Activities to Reduce the Sense of Isolation During the Pandemic

Millions of Americans feel isolated during the pandemic, and it’s only going to worsen as the years go by. Understanding the impacts of isolation on mental health is essential for anyone living in the US right now. Isolation and Mental Health Social isolation plays a big part in mental health. Social isolation or loneliness is

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friends talking to each other

Proven Ideas to Reduce and Manage Stress in the Workplace

The issue of stress is not a laughing matter. Several studies have shown that excessive stress can cause many physical ailments such as headaches, increased blood pressure, upset stomach, chest pains, and even insomnia. Stress is also a precursor to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. According to the American Institute of Stress, stress

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Female with anxiety

Natural and Cost-effective Remedies To Anxiety

Let’s face it: nobody wants to feel anxious and worry all day about potentially trivial things. But even though anxiety is considered a negative emotion, it’s still a natural response of the body. This means that a person can’t always avoid anxiety since this is their body’s way of staying alert when they are in

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